Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reflections from European Trip

After leaving Portofino our plan was to meander along the coast and stay at a reasonable place in Monaco or Nice. It was a lovely drive along the Golfo di Genova until we came to the city traffic of Genova (Genoa) and I decided to take the city route through it.

This set us back a bit and by the time we made it to Monaco and had a look around, we decided that high living and gambling were not for us. So it was off to Nice maybe 20 km down the scenic road. Half way there the sun was making it's exit and we rounded a corner and saw the hotel/restaurant, Panoramique perched on the side of the mountain overlooking the Ligurian Sea. Well this was fine as we could dine and sleep all in one, not to mention the great views.

The place was run by a one handed (lost his hand in a motorcycle accident) fifty something man and his younger wife. She did the kitchen work while he managed the bookings and the restaurant serving. He was very much a salesman for his place and we struck a deal for dinner and a room as the sun was setting over the water. Our room had a deck overlooking the coast line a thousand feet below and we savored the view with beer and wine until time for bed.

It was the middle of night when I was awoken by Clare screaming "Get out! Get out!"
"It's ok, Honey ... bad dream. Go back to sleep.", I mumbled. "No, there was someone in our room." she insisted. Daniel who was in the twin bed next to us was up like a shot and ran out to the deck. "Hey, what's my shaving kit doing out on the deck?" he yelled. By then I had come to and the lights were blazing. Apparently my better half couldn't sleep well and had a feeling about this place. After piecing together what had happened we guessed that the cat burglar had crept past my sleeping body next to the door, all the way to the opposite wall where the blue light from a device charger had attracted him and snatched the kit. Seeing nothing of value in it he was returning for seconds, when Clare spied him. Of course by the time I was up and about he was long gone into the bushes.
Lucky for us the thief passed over all the real valuables in the dark and nothing was taken.
When we related this to the owner in the morning, all he could say was, "Tu es tres stupide!". We shan't be returning!